I received a fantastic pedicure by Riley. I believe that was their name. They took their time, and I was able to relax and enjoy my service. I added on a basic manicure without polish because I needed my cuticles cleaned up while I’m in the process of strengthening my nails after having gel on them for a long time. The manicure overall was okay, but they nicked the skin on my thumb. They applied a green product on my skin, and although it stung for the duration of my service, it stopped bleeding. After I left, my finger started bleeding and continued to do so after I washed my hands and tried to treat it with ointment. I didn’t go straight home, so I was trying to treat it the best I could. My finger continued to bleed until I was able to get home, clean it again, and wrap it in a bandage. It looks unpleasant right now, and I’m hoping it’s just healing and not infected.