Starting with the root touch up ending with my ENTIRE HAIR COLOR transformed. Ages me, and makes my skin appear darker. From Platinum blond to grayish white blond to yellow grayish hair Plus more Breakage, Hair Loss and Sensitive Scalp. The hair stylist Jessica Martinez was rushing through the process of coloring my hair. She hurriedly bleached my roots twice, changed hair tones four times including both the roots and the rest of my hair, air dried three times with TUGGING at my hair because of her haste. Thank you for all your effort.
After maintaining blonde hair for two years, this is the first time I underwent a root touch up with a complete change of hair color. All of it. Worst experience ever. Currently, I have no idea how to restore my hair color back. Extremely Upset. Refusing to leave my house. She claimed she was doing her best. I genuinely believe that. I simply have one request, If you are unable to properly do the job, then I would recommend you refrain from touching my hair. Thank you.