I hurried to my preferred nail salon, aiming to arrive before 7 to secure prompt service. I managed to get there at 6:47 PM and was elated until the rude acting manager appeared. As depicted in my photo, I only required one nail fixed! The lady informed me they were closing, so I inquired if they could simply fix one nail. She consulted the acting manager, who callously refused without even acknowledging me with basic customer service. I directly asked if they could assist with just one nail and reminded him of my frequent visits. He callously replied, "no, return tomorrow, we are busy, and I have a party to attend, so we are closing early." I was shocked and informed him that I would reflect this in my reviews! While I do appreciate this establishment and recommend it, I caution against visiting when this individual is present. It's disheartening that one negative element in a business can drive away loyal customers. Therefore, I sought services elsewhere at Nails on Nails on Maywood Center, 4228 Slauson Ave, Maywood, CA 90270.