I dropped my son off and we were running late due to some construction on Route 66. My son messaged the young man while I was driving, whom I do not know personally, to inform him we were running behind. He replied that he couldn't accommodate us as we were past the 15-minute grace period. My son offered him extra payment for the inconvenience, but the young man declined. When he mentioned we were right there in the parking lot, I stepped out to explain our situation of being stuck in slow-moving traffic, which was unexpected, and to inquire if there was any chance he could still take my son. There was only one young man in the salon, whom I assumed was the one attending to my son's hair. I detailed everything to him, and he simply said to bring my son in. So my son joined him, and the young man began braiding his hair. It turned out that he was the assistant of the young man my son had the appointment with. About an hour later, the young man arrived and, as per my son's account of her eye-rolling and rude demeanor, she reacted in an exaggerated and unprofessional manner, stating she still wouldn't be able to take him. All the unnecessary drama could have been avoided. It was a misunderstanding that could have been handled more calmly. My son ended up going to the salon in the same plaza next to Ashley Stewart, where they were much more pleasant, and his hair turned out great. I wanted to clarify the situation because people tend to twist things to make themselves look better. We accept our fault in being late; please acknowledge your unpleasant attitude. Nonetheless, we forgive you. Blessings!