the person who was doing my nails was very kind and she was learning, she apologized for how long it was taking but i didn’t mind since she was sweet and did a really great job at painting my toes, we moved on to my nails, which i asked for a basic gel manicure, her manager took over trimming my cuticles because he didn’t think it was thorough enough, he then for some reason cut all of my fingernails off without asking me. i only went as a reward because i’ve bitten my nails since i was a child, as he was cutting off my nails, so short might i add that they are just as short as when i was biting them, he scolded me and told me to drink more water. he was incredibly rude and unprofessional, i cried because im going to a show tomorrow and i just wanted my nails to look nice naturally for the first time in my life and he was so rude about. this was by far the worst experience i’ve ever had in a nail salon and unless you are getting acrylics i wouldn’t recommend it. my pals pedicure was mediocre at best and cost $35. her artist also rubbed her raw and hurt her so badly i even said something. it was so ridiculous. i don’t know if it was because we chose cheaper services or what