Lindsey is impolite, unprofessional; lacking basic customer care skills in a service profession. Imagine that. Yesterday marked my first encounter with her. Today, I had to return to my vehicle, expending my gas and time, to have her rectify a few nails. Primarily, getting a manicure should be a delightful self-care and indulgent occasion - at least to me. It's a luxury. Not a necessity, so the experience, considering the expense, should mirror that. This implies that if your client is dissatisfied because some of her nails are poorly shaped (lumpy) AND others have imperfections (something in the polish that is visible and tangible), don't give your "paying" client who tipped you an attitude. Don't just claim you don't notice anything wrong with them - without making a genuine effort to rectify. Your aim should be to provide top-notch service. Your aim should be to serve your client well so that they relish their experience, adore - yes adore (not just like) their nails, wish to return, spread the word, and endorse Pearl Nails. That's how you manage a business and EXPAND it. Though my nails appeared better - quite nice actually after she corrected them and Lynn has been very pleasant the few times I've visited there, overall this establishment isn't deserving of any more of my time, energy (like drafting this review), or money. I won't give my hard-earned money to anyone unworthy of it. I won't settle for mediocrity or incompetence. No, not happening.