Make sure to check out their Instagram page. That should've been my initial clue. Everyone showcased has long, straight, blonde hair. If that's your desired look, then this is the ideal salon for you. It appears that long, straight, blonde hair is their specialty, with limited expertise in other styles.
I visited to get a short haircut, as a first-time customer. I was quite apprehensive due to prior salon experiences. Unfortunately, it turned out to be the worst haircut I've ever received. If you're seeking a short style or anything other than blonde, I would not recommend this salon. The stylist essentially grabbed chunks of my hair and haphazardly cut them, resulting in a disastrous outcome. There was no precision in the cut whatsoever. Consequently, I decided not to proceed with the rest of the service. Adding to the frustration, the client before me arrived fifteen minutes late for their appointment, yet I felt rushed as the next appointment had arrived promptly.