May 2023
They have always done a good job on their services with me. They did pretty good today but it's not the same as it used to be. I like a stronger massage but it was relaxing. I have just been cautious to go back because they charged me over 150 last September so I have only been a couple of times since then. I feel a bit they are upset with me (but it could just be me) but I was upset because of how much they charged me and the pressuring. I want what I ask for and I am paying for a service. I don't want to be charged more than I am supposed to be and I am supposed to get a loyalty discount and didn't the last few times. I really never liked being pressured to tip. It really bothered me each time I went. I am not supposed to. I am paying for that service and they are doing the job I pay for. No one has to tip. A tip is an extra thank you. We don't always have the money to tip, even if we want to. .. If I was rich, of course I would. It makes people feel awkward and it makes me feel like I didn’t like them. I tip what I can, when I can.
Today they did not pressure me and I am glad.
It’s nice that they offer you to upgrade your service but maybe they need to print out, in English, a sales pitch in case someone wants to add a little extra time so everyone understands completely. I hope this helps.
They are nice and do a good job.
I will be back.